Welcome back to our monthly appointment with travel diary in the SCIFI project. Are you curious to discover last news and updates about the job carried out with city of Delft?

March was marked by work made on the geographic model to support decisions about waste management and for testing activities on smart waste sensors.

The geographic analysis grid was developed in line with data provided by Delft, with the aim of defining which areas of the city are more stressed by waste flow considering both demographic concentration and morphological characteristics and use of various areas of the city.

Data have been elaborated in indicators referred to 3 macro categories: TourismBuildings or public areas and Level of urban heterogeneity. These elaborations have been associated to a regular grid (sub-module kmq Eurostat) having as base a square of 500 m x 500 m.

Then obtained values have been normalized on 1 to 100 scale to allow an easy comparison, assigning a weight to indicators and by negative or positive sum, depending on the potential positive or negative impacts, we obtained a final synthetic indicator. Thanks to this analysis method, once sum has been calculated, it has been possible to represent potential stress index of collecting points thorough thematic cartography. Thematic map with a special gradation indicates areas of the city with greater criticality (red), stable ones (yellow) and “virtuous” ones (green).

The other activity we tackled in March has been testing on sensors to use for real time monitoring. After defining evaluation parameters, we installed and started monitoring activities with both solutions we had selected for the purpose.

After an accurate analysis, we got to a final decision: the sensor we are going to use for monitoring bins in Delft will be BrighterBins of Belgian company SmartEnds. This solution proved to be more versatile, more configurable and ductile. So ideal for waste bin’s type we are going to monitor: the Capitole of Dutch company Bammens.

Finally, the 5th of April, we had the pleasure of hosting Fons van der Ham, project manager of the SCIFI project for the city of Delft, in Imola. It has been the opportunity to verify results of the first milestone and start works connected to the second milestone. Furthermore, as part of the Geography Night, we held a presentation involving Fons and our collaborators to promote the SCIFI project and Sis.Ter’s activities connected to the project.

Edoardo Vigo,

Foreign Projects Officer





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