April-May 2019
Fourth appointment with our travel diary in the SCIFI project: we are quickly getting the end of the second milestone and past weeks have been characterized by numerous activities related to developments necessary to complete this part of the work.

After developing the geographic decision support model (geographic grid) during the first phase of the project, we began works connected to develop the monitoring and waste management dashboard of the city of Delft. The waste that will be taken in exam , as requested by the Dutch municipality, will be those of street furniture waste bins.

We started interfacing with open source IOT platform FIWARE and its powerful data modeling structure that will allow us to develop an interoperable solution that is potentially exportable and easily integrated in other contexts in the future; perhaps even within the consortium of cities participating in the SCIFI project, namely Mechelen (B), Bruges (B), Saint-Quentin (F) and our friends of Delft (NL).

Graphics and functionalities of management dashboard have been set and proposed as draft, and are currently under definition and discussion phase with stakeholders.

Our technological solution also includes real time monitoring of filling level of 15 sample waste bins, used as case studies to confirm analysis carried out during first phase of the project and to start a direct monitoring activity useful to optimize garbage collection. Selected sensors for this purpose have been previously tested on our laboratory in Imola, as already told in past articles of our travel diary.

To complete this work related to waste filling level sensors, we have been engaged on installation and configuration activities on field. Sis.Ter’s staff carried out installation of sensors with excellent results also thanks to the precious support of Municipality’s field workers and of an engineer of the Belgian company SmartEnds, manufacturer of sensors.

Sensors installed, Dashboard in development and many useful learnings: if you are curious to find out how our project will proceed, we invite you to follow us in the next episode of Sis.Ter’s travel diary on the SCIFI project.

Edoardo Vigo,
Responsabile Progetti Esteri

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