MImeSIS sees us as a partner within a cohort of laboratories in the field of construction: CertiMac (group leader), Centro Ceramico Bologna, CIRI Building and Construction and CNR ISTEC. The project aims to develop smart, innovative and environmentally sustainable systems and materials for the construction and restoration sector (such as mortars, plasters, bricks, adhesives and reinforcements), with high performance in safety, comfort, healthiness and energy efficiency. GeoSmartLab is specifically concerned with integrating various types of sensors that can self-diagnose and continuously, durably and accurately measure specific parameters chosen as indicators of degradation (humidity, temperature, pH, cracking/detachment). The transferability to industry and the market of these solutions will be ensured by conducting stringent experimental tests carried out both on laboratory prototypes and at full scale on existing buildings identified as “pilot” sites in order to verify their performance and durability over time and in operation.

“MImeSIS (Smart Sensorized and Sustainable MaterIals for the Historic ConstruCtIon)” was in the Emilia-Romagna Region S3 calls list in which Sis.Ter participated as GeoSmart.Lab in September 2018, and which awarded the proposed projects.

Approved projects have a duration of 24 months starting in July 2019.

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