Polis-Eye has us as a group leader among the laboratories of ENEA (Cross-Tec), Unibo (CIRI-ICT), Unimore (AIRI) and Unife (MechLav). The partner companies are Lepida ScpA, ISCOM GROUP SRL, Imola Faenza Tourism Company s.c.ar.l, Eatalyworld S.r.l., Istituzione Bologna Musei, Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi di Bologna S.p.A. The themes involved are innovation and tourism. The project aims to provide key players in the area, as well as public administrations and citizens, with innovative ICT tools and services from a Smart City perspective for the optimized management of tourism in the Emilia-Romagna region. An open software platform for data management, such as reconstruction of people flows and correlation of events (specific and weather) with attendance, is planned, including through application to case studies in the area through the collaboration of partner companies.

“Polis-Eye (POLIcy Support systEm for smart citY data governancE)” was in the Emilia-Romagna Region S3 calls list in which Sis.Ter participated as GeoSmart.Lab in September 2018, and which awarded the proposed projects.

Approved projects have a duration of 24 months starting in July 2019.

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