GeoSMART LAB - Sis-ter
GeoSMART LAB2023-04-21T10:22:07+02:00

Research Laboratory on Geographic Sciences and Technologies and Smart Cities.
GeoSmart.Lab® is a laboratory accredited to the High Technology Network of the Emilia Romagna Region.

Who we are

Prevalent Technology Platform: ICT and Design

Secondary Technology Platforms: Agribusiness, Life Sciences, Energy-Environment, Construction

Via Emilia 67-69 | 40026 Imola

Tel. 0542 361558

The laboratory stems from the need to improve the structuring of research activities that Sis.Ter® srl has promoted over the years through collaborations with universities, Study Centers and through the development of applied research on behalf of private facilities and that led in 2014 to the accreditation to the National Register of Research with the identifier 61807HTP, the definition of a framework agreement for applied research and technology transfer with the University of Bologna (February 2015).

In fact, the company, through the contribution of highly specialized figures who already had collaborative and research relationships with universities, gained a series of experiences and activities that were then the subject of specific presentations and publications. In this sense, the research laboratory intends to develop technologies and services with regard to geographic and smart cities issues in tune and alignment with the RIS3ER (Smart Specialization Strategy) line with regard to related strategic priorities.

Human Resources

Specialized figures

The laboratory employs highly qualified figures with established and continuously updating skills in the laboratory’s research areas.

Collaborations with research institutions

The up-to-date status of the staff is confirmed by collaborations with prestigious research institutions in Italy and abroad as well as periodic publication of papers in international journals and reporting at conferences.

Current projects

GeoSmart.Lab® by Sis.Ter® srl | via Emilia 67-69 IMOLA 40026 BO | CF/PI 01777271204 | | REA No. BO-389828 | Cap.Soc. i.v. € 50,000.00